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Ola marinheiros ! ... tudo bem ? ... oui donc ci-dessous, pétition pour Eric Sommer  qui aura bientôt passé 4 ans en prison à attendre son jugement , à Sainte Lucie, sud de la Martinique, ou j'étais il y a un an, mais ce n'est qu'en début de semaine que j'ai pris connaissance de cette affaire. en bas de page ,vous trouverez le lien du forum de hisse-et-oh ... feuilleton souvent exaspérant comme à l'habitude ...  abraço todos, Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, West Indies: Free Eric Sommer Eric Sommer is a victim of the so-called justice of St. Lucia. Cruiser on his mooring at Rodney Bay, more or less 100m away from the beach, he defended himself against the intrusion of an inhabitant of St. Lucia, in the beginning of the afternoon. He managed to impress the man and sent him back where he was coming from, he entered in his companionway and relaxed. He doesn't surveyed his aggressor, his boat is an old, big fishing ship, s...